Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Download LogoBuilder v1.4 - Logo.bin Maker

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Program page

Version 1.4 released
Changes are:
1) Now it supports MTK6589
2) Can convert boot_logo to image and back
3) Packing and unpacking processes became much faster.
4) Added Simplified Chinese language
5) Fixed bug with images distortion
6) Added console version (command line for kitchens or other autocustoms)

Current version

 1.4 (31.05.2013)

Current languages are

Русский, English, Español (por amnesia), 简体中文:忘记月亮


If you wish to change first boot screen of your Android phone based on MT65xx platform - this program is made for you! It can unpack and repack your logo.bin file that contains first boot screen and charging battery images. Also this program can help you to edit second boot screen which is located in boot_logo file. The program is simple to use: just unpack your existing logo.bin file, edit it and then pack back. Futhermore program will make file for your recovery, so you can flash your new logo.bin to your phone via recovery.

Updates history

Update 31.05.2013
1) Fixed bug with image pixel format (some images looked distorted)
2) Added console version (command line for kitchens or other autocustoms)

Update 30.05.2013
1) Added sizes for unpacking FullHD logos

Update 25.04.2013
1) Added Simplified Chinese

Update 13.03.2013 (версия 1.4)
1) Now MTK6589 phones are supported
2) Can convert boot_logo to image and back
3) Packing and unpacking processes became much faster.

How to use
1) Click "Create project". Select your logo.bin file and new project path.
2) Edit project images as you wish.
3) Click "Make" (new logo.bin and for recovery will be created)
4) Flash new logo.bin via any flashing tool or via recovery.
5) Reboot your phone!

Besides that program can edit your boot_logo file (it contains second boot screen, which is shown right after logo.bin first image). It is located in /system/media/images/boot_logo file. Get this file from your phone (you must be rooted), convert it to image, edit it and convert ti back. After you put new boot_logo to your phone back, don't forget to set right permissions (rw-r--r--).

After boot_logo you can see animation. It is located in file. You can create this file with the Gif2BootAnimation program.

Some technical information. file, created by program by default, flashes logo.bin via package_extract_file("logo.bin", "/dev/logo"). This method is useful for many contemporary MTK phones (eg. ZP100, ZP300, THL W3+ and so on), but some phones doesn't have /dev/logo/ and needed to be flashed via write_raw_image("logo.bin","logo").
To adapt the program for your phone, just put suitable updater-script and update-binary files to program folder. It will use these files with all new projects.

The program developed with support of china-iphone forum.

Known errors

Lenovo A750: Sometimes phone shows error while charging powered off. Be careful.


1) Remember! All that you do with your phone you do at your own risk. Program just prepares new logo.bin file.
2) Don't forget to make backups.
3) Don't change updater-script file if you don't know what it contains.
4) Don't use the program if you don't know what it really does.
Name : LogoBuilder
Version : 1.4
Download Link : LogoBuilder 
Thanks : Xda Team
Source : Xda-Developers

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Yazid Zidan - 8:12:00 PM


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