Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Changing Logo.bin with LogoBuilder

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tools :
1.LogoBuilder : Download in Post :  Here
2.Logo.bin : Download Here ( Logo.bin "Cross")
3.Photo Editor (I use Photoshop)

Tutorial :
1.Open LogoBuilder
2.Click "Create new project"
3.Select "Logo.bin" which was downloaded
4.Choose a Folder for Saving Project and Click "Ok" (
wait for the process)
5. Select the First Picture, Right Click> Edit
6.Then the corresponding Picture Set your creations

7.If all edits are finished, click "Make" and wait for the process
8.Open Project Folder her *Ex : D:\Project\
9.Find a Name "" copy and paste it into the sd card mobile phone
10.And, Flash Through CWM (install zip from sdcard> choose zip from sdcard>


I tried and succeeded in MITO A300
If you do not understand, please ask in the comments 

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Yazid Zidan - 8:37:00 PM


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